We offer services in two key areas: Business Process Engineering and Engineering Leadership

Whether you are looking to incrementally improve your efficiency or to transformationally change your organisation, our Maintenance Efficiency Map navigates the way.  We offer varied services to meet your needs, that compliment every area of the map to systematically improve efficiency in a coordinated and controlled manner.

Consultancy support - using our specialist tools and expertise

Training services - delivering a structured maintenance management competence pathway

Interim management – increase bandwidth on your project with our implanted expert leaders

Project management – assured governance and control of your efficiency development

Benchmarking studies – providing evidence of where you are now, and what your ‘prize’ might be, and the most effective way to achieve this

Organisational development planning – the most efficient route from A to B for your specific needs

We provide support in the five key elements of the

Maintenance Efficiency Map™

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Engaged People

“Behaviours above the line”

Our people drive everything we do, how organisations manage and develop their human resources has a profound impact on operational performance.

Values shape behaviours, which in turn drive performance.

  • Management excellence pathway

  • Organisational structure and culture development workshops

  • Middle management leadership development programmes

  • Executive and Senior management coaching

  • RACI modelling services

Effective Process Workflow

"Proactive, ahead of the curve!"

Developing proactive and forward-focused managed workflows is a crucial element. The more decisions we take ahead of maintenance input, the more effective maintenance downtime will be.

  • Process re-engineering – using MPRM techniques

  • Business process improvement, providing maintenance efficiency

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Productive Work Environment

"Making life a little easier!"

A purpose designed workspace is more than a nice place to work; it is a productive environment that enables your teams to deliver efficiency.

  • We can remodel old workspaces to improve performance

  • Add productivity considerations to new designs

  • Work environment remodelling using LEAN and other related techniques

  • Zero waste  |  Zero landfill   |   Delivering an environment that allows life to be easier, and productive


Optimised Maintenance Programme

"Not over maintaining AND remaining safe!"

Does your plan work for you? Are your people clear on why maintenance is required?

Over or under maintaining will have impacts on performance and customer perception. Optimising a maintenance plan reduces waste.

  • Introduction workshop to the purpose and need of   maintenance optimisation

  • Plan revision through specialist allied expert consultancies

Managed Control

"What we measure, what we talk about - gets done!"

Challenging our existing performance indicators is not easy; we have expertise in establishing proactive, wide bandwidth key performance indicators, providing effective management oversight.

  • KPI development

  • Weekly, monthly or period reports that deliver real insight for management

  • Load and capacity modelling – understanding how you ‘spend’ your headcount

  • Productivity modelling – optimising output