Maintenance Diagnostic


Highly cost effective and very popular our maintenance diagnostic evaluation tool and associated action point brief pin point your organisations’ strengths and development areas, giving the clarity of options needed to improve performance in the most effective regions.

Taking only 5-10 days depending upon size and complexity of your organisation, initially we deploy experts in maintenance optimisation to gather specific data, that we analyse against ‘best in class’ benchmarks.  We conclude the diagnostic with a short presentation of findings, leaving you with your action point brief summary.

EngPro Solutions is a licensed partner of Danburykline's MPRM workflow modelling process.


Five simple steps

  1. Document collection - We collect several documents, electronically; Organisational charts, status, fleet statistics, defect database and others.

  2. On-site review - Our experts visit your site(s) to review workflow process and control, middle-management bandwidth, competence.

  3. Analysis - Off site we review the evidence and shape this into your individual organisation health map.

  4. Action Point Review - Giving you benchmarked analysis of present status, and clearly identifying areas ripe for improvement.

  5. Presentation - We provide a short presentation covering, methodology, benchmarks, analysis and findings.


A simple, rapid and cost effective route to a maintenance efficiency health map of your organisation, enabling focussed and intelligent development in areas likely to return maximum performance gains.


Your action brief delivers

A short bullet point report that gives a clear picture of the health of your maintenance organisation.  How effective are you in turning human resource into billable output hours and what are the key areas on the performance map where you can leverage maximum advantage to improve.  The report covers the following main areas:

Benchmarked Headcount ratios - reviewing your direct to indirect ratios and utilisation of productive workforce

Vehicle utilisation ratios - delivered in several data slices we review your utilisation against like for like benchmarks to see if you are optimising your asset use

Productivity benchmarks - giving you an image of how many headcount hours are turned into output, the currency of engineering

Planning capability - reviewing your proactive v reactive organisational focus 

Workflow efficiency  - how effectively are you moving instructions and materials around your facility.  How productive is your workflow

Middle management capability - review of the bandwidth and capacity of the vital middle management layer

Maintenance control - building a clear picture of the control of maintenance

Competence assessment - evaluating your method of competence evaluation and skills development